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Here's Hope!

Alliance Women
We have monthly meetings over refreshments to talk about and pray for missions.
Ambassadors & Greeters
We greet each person with a smile and a warm welcome to our services and seek out first time visitors and offer a gift bag.
Children's Church
We know that kids need Jesus too and we provide a wonderful experience with fun and learning.
Coffee Hour
We love to fellowship with each other over a cup of coffee. We hope to see you and get to know you in a relaxed atmosphere.

We show the love of Jesus through hospitality and meals.
Drive Thru Prayer
Every Friday from 9:30am to 11:30 am we pray for any person who comes through our driveway.
Good News Club
We take the gospel to the public school system. Our after school program is attended by over 40 elementary school children.
MOFIA (Men of Faith in Action)
A monthly breakfast where men can gather and fellowship.

Mens Study Group
Deep dive into a small passage of scripture lead each week by a different attendee.
Sewing Group
If you like to sew, this is your opportunity to have a global impact. Hospital gowns and medical supplies are shipped out yearly.
Shepherds Ministry
We pack blessing bags with necessities and distribute to the homeless. These bags are available in the lobby.
Wednesday Bible Study
We meet each Wednesday at 2:30 for study and prayer.
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